General Practice Research Network
The General Practice Research Network is a collaborative network of general practices committed to sharing de-identified data for healthcare advancement, led and governed by general practitioners. Supported by an advisory committee rooted in general practice, research, and health system enhancement, the network's objective is to maximise primary care dataset utility in healthcare. Guided by data governance, the GPRN offers researchers access to de-identified primary care patient data, facilitating research and clinical trials. Join us on a journey of research, exploration, and healthcare improvement as we strive to unlock the transformative potential of empirical data.
Empowering Research and Scholarship
With a commitment to stringent data governance, the GPRN offers a vital platform for researchers. Researchers may access de-identified primary care data, provided the conditions for data access are met. This resource is an indispensable gateway for researchers seeking to interact with both practices and patients for participation in research and clinical trials. The GPRN welcomes all those interested in exploring the potential of real-world evidence in healthcare.
The GPRN as an independent division of PenCS. For 30 years, PenCS has been a leading technology partner for practices, healthcare providers, and administrators. Its mission is to enhance data potential, boost efficiency, and inform healthcare for better outcomes.